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optimize(adminui-vue,ubs): ubs_message UI

Mazur Volodymyr requested to merge optimize/ubs_message-ui into master
  1. Optimize querying of messages inside the UNavbarNotificationsButton:
  • add limit;
  • remove from the field list non-used attributes;
  • add the expireDate>#now filter to omit the expired notifications;
  • to manage read/unread messages load only ids of non-expired unread ones and filter them on portal:notify:readed.
  1. Delete excessive msgTypeXXX locales and use the $lookups.getEnum('UBS_MESSAGE_TYPE', ...) instead
  2. Add the "Mark all a read" button to read all unread notification messages at once
  3. Add the infinite scroll pagination on the ubs_message-fm
  4. Some other tiny optimizations in vue files

On big production environments ubs_message.getCached queries are failing because of the huge amount of entries with errors like ERR_RESOURCE_LIMITS_EXCEED

Edited by Mazur Volodymyr

Merge request reports