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fix(layout): zeroing letf-top position of modal windows mask

Dmitriy Rudnik requested to merge modal_windows_position into master

in projects with a non-standard layout, there was no definite positioning because of this, the mask could be lowered under the content


UI: Layout: UB modal windows do not have overlay

Our customization "killed" modality of the UB dialogs.

NOTE: I verified that after turning our customization off, feature works.

NOTE: this bug can cause serious misinteractions between user and application, because application really depends on user being unable to perform anything before closing the gialogs.

UB has feature of showing modal windows.

For example:

Login as Adminnistrator Go to "Administrator" desktop Groups and Users / User roles Open a form for any record Right click on any record to show popup menu Click "Select from dictionary (F9)" ER:

Overlay preventing user from doing any action, but complete the dialog  image-2018-12-19-13-45-54-939


No overlay, user can change tab, can close form caused the dialog show, can do anything  image-2018-12-19-13-46-50-242

Edited by Dmitriy Rudnik

Merge request reports